Adoption 101 at Northlands Church

[Change Event]

  • Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
  • 11:45AM ET
  • 6630 Bay Circle, Norcross, GA 30071
  • No childcare
About the Event

Place: Resource Center

Are you interested in adoption? This class offers an overview of various types of adoption, such as international adoption, domestic infant adoption, special needs adoption, legal risk adoption, and waiting child adoption, as well as the financial considerations that often hinder families from moving forward. Hear from experienced adoptive parents and how adoption impacted their families. 

Adoption 101 is comprised of three teaching videos. These instructional videos are shown along with at least two accompanying testimonial videos from adoptive families, or one or two stories shared in person by adoptive families. The course facilitator then concludes with a short PowerPoint presentation about “Next Steps,” allowing time for Q&A before concluding. 

Cost: Please bring $10 for lunch. 

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